Rules of servers [ LCS-DM | VC-DM | VC-DM Classic ]
- By registering on server, you accepted the regulations. Ignorance of rules don't protect you from consequences.
- On server, you can only have one account.
- Forbidden is:
- Impersonating the other players.
- Insultsing, name-calling, provocation.
- Threatening, bullying.
- Introducing bad atmosphere.
- Using a offensive, or vulgar nick.
- Spamming, flooding.
- Serving someone information, without owner permission.
- Uploading someone photos, without owner permission.
- Bugs or using server glitches to his or someone's else advantage.
- Crashing server or players.
- Running from death - Death Evanding.
- Spawnkilling.
- Persuading someone to write /q or /quit.
- Hacking someone's account, robbing them.
- Trading the server resources (server money, bussinnes etc.) for real money.
- Don't applying with administration warnings.
- Using a really differences cheats, hacks, trainers, Cheat Engine, CLEO, changed anims etc.
- Administration have a permission to punish for actions that isn't included in regulations, when they are hurting server/site.
- When player gives money (on server) someone freely, he doesn't have permission to demand a return (One exception, when some hack and transfer money to other account).
- All the things for server, are doing freely, so there is no option to delete or edit it.
Rules of server LCS-DM
- No more additional points applicable only on LCS-DM server.
Rules of server VC-DM
- No more additional points applicable only on VC-DM server.
Rules of server VC-DM Classic
- No more additional points applicable only on VC-DM Classic server.
Administration reserves the law to introducing changes in rules!
- AB - Air Brake - Flying.
- CK - Car Kill - Killing by car.
- DB - Drive By - Shooting from vehicle.
- DE - Death Evading - Escape the Death (ex. commiting suicides, when fightning with other players).
- HK - Heli Kill - Killing by heli (heli-blades or machine gun).
- NS - No Shoot - You aren't shooting in opponent, or vice versa (concers main VC-DM Classic).
- SH - Speed Hack - Faster ride, that can be possible.
- SK - Spawn Kill - Killing player, which was spawn already and he doesn't move.
- WH - Weapon Hack - Having a forbidden weapons.