Aktualizacja Liberty Unleashed do
Dodane przez rwwpl dnia August 02 2014 09:14:21
DziÂ? zostaÂ?a wydana nowa wersja Liberty Unleashed, chociaÂ? bardziej to jest bug fix.
Poprawia kilka bÂ???d??w, chociaÂ? nie wszystkie, ale szczerze nie spodziewaÂ?em si?? tego w tym momencie. Co ona poprawia?
Jestem na wakacjach, nie mam czasu na tÂ?umaczenie, a samego newsa pisz?? z telefonu, wi??c jak ktoÂ? ma czas z admin??w, m??gÂ?by poprawi?? moje bÂ???dy:

Ø 02/08/2014 - 01:40 (
Scripting - Fixed previously exploitable client script bugs
Scripting - Servers must now call RegisterRemoteFunc( "function" ) before client scripts can use them
Scripting - Removed Halt() from squirrel scripts
Scripting - Fixed the VM busy bug for internal squirrel function calls
Scripting - Fixed CGUILabel alpha not working
Scripting - Added a method to set a CGUISprite's alpha (Sprite.SetAlpha( blah ))
Scripting - Added ProcessLineOfSight to Squirrel - Client scripts: ProcessLineOfSight( void )
Scripting - Added mouse movement/button related events to scripts - onClientMouseMove( short x, short y ), onclientMouseClick( int button, bool down, short x, short y ), onClientMouseWheel( bool moved )
Scripting - Fixed GUIMemobox.FontName
Scripting - Added scripting/gui lib functions to get/set mouse cursor position (client) - Vector3 GetMouseCursorPos( void ), SetMouseCursorPos( Vector3 pos )
Scripting - Fixed CGUIButton::SetTextColour
Scripting - Added buttons to squirrel GUI layers (SendBack, Forward, etc.)
Scripting - Fixed CUtils::ScreenToWorld
Scripting - Added a depth parameter to ScreenPosToWorld (client) - ScreenPosToWorld( float x, float y, float depth ), ScreenPosToWorld( Vector3 pos, float depth )
Scripting - Added Vector.Lerp() to squirrel
Scripting - Made ProcessLineOfSight return a table with the collision entity, position and model ID
Scripting - Fixed some facking stupid sphere/checkpoint related bugs (netcode related)
General - Fixed UGP spamming if it was queried with the wrong version
General - Fixed the -appendname commandline argument in the server only accepting 32 characters
General - Fixed a potential server crash when loading a script that has no Script.xml
Scripting - Fixed setting armour instead of health when calling player.Health in a client script
General - Fixed not being able to get in vehicles
General - Fixed a crash on join if sounds are added to the server
Rozszerzona zawarto¶æ newsa
DziÂ? zostaÂ?a wydana nowa wersja Liberty Unleashed, chociaÂ? bardziej to jest bug fix.
Poprawia kilka bÂ???d??w, chociaÂ? nie wszystkie, ale szczerze nie spodziewaÂ?em si?? tego w tym momencie. Co ona poprawia?
Jestem na wakacjach, nie mam czasu na tÂ?umaczenie, a samego newsa pisz?? z telefonu, wi??c jak ktoÂ? ma czas z admin??w, m??gÂ?by poprawi?? moje bÂ???dy:

Ø 02/08/2014 - 01:40 (
Scripting - Fixed previously exploitable client script bugs
Scripting - Servers must now call RegisterRemoteFunc( "function" ) before client scripts can use them
Scripting - Removed Halt() from squirrel scripts
Scripting - Fixed the VM busy bug for internal squirrel function calls
Scripting - Fixed CGUILabel alpha not working
Scripting - Added a method to set a CGUISprite's alpha (Sprite.SetAlpha( blah ))
Scripting - Added ProcessLineOfSight to Squirrel - Client scripts: ProcessLineOfSight( void )
Scripting - Added mouse movement/button related events to scripts - onClientMouseMove( short x, short y ), onclientMouseClick( int button, bool down, short x, short y ), onClientMouseWheel( bool moved )
Scripting - Fixed GUIMemobox.FontName
Scripting - Added scripting/gui lib functions to get/set mouse cursor position (client) - Vector3 GetMouseCursorPos( void ), SetMouseCursorPos( Vector3 pos )
Scripting - Fixed CGUIButton::SetTextColour
Scripting - Added buttons to squirrel GUI layers (SendBack, Forward, etc.)
Scripting - Fixed CUtils::ScreenToWorld
Scripting - Added a depth parameter to ScreenPosToWorld (client) - ScreenPosToWorld( float x, float y, float depth ), ScreenPosToWorld( Vector3 pos, float depth )
Scripting - Added Vector.Lerp() to squirrel
Scripting - Made ProcessLineOfSight return a table with the collision entity, position and model ID
Scripting - Fixed some facking stupid sphere/checkpoint related bugs (netcode related)
General - Fixed UGP spamming if it was queried with the wrong version
General - Fixed the -appendname commandline argument in the server only accepting 32 characters
General - Fixed a potential server crash when loading a script that has no Script.xml
Scripting - Fixed setting armour instead of health when calling player.Health in a client script
General - Fixed not being able to get in vehicles
General - Fixed a crash on join if sounds are added to the server